We all have a story to tell, mine no longer defines me, but if it can help you in anyway I will share it. First I'd like to share with you, that since my encounter with PSYCH-K, I feel like I have returned home. My life has transformed in ways I could never have imagined. My mind is open, trusting and curious, just as it was when I was a child. These days, I live in the 'NOW' reality where life just flows and synchronicities are natural occurrences that just makes me smile, because they remind me that the universe has my back. My dominant emotional state is gratitude. Don't get me wrong, I still have major moments when I regress back to beliefs and behaviours that do not serve me.
On 24th December 2012, I experienced a wake up call that transformed my life instantaneously. I stood frozen by the hospital bed whilst witnessing my partner dying from lung infection that arose a week following chemotherapy. It all happened so quickly, then my mind just shut down into pure silence. I felt my heart opened up and my whole being/body transmuted this energy that I can only describe as being touched by the vibration of grace — blissful peace and unconditional love. That moment felt like eternity, and my mind just opened up into clear awareness as to why my partner had arrived at his physical death so prematurely. He had suffered Depression most of his adult life, and to his will coped by self medicating (Addictions), Emotional Repression (Depression) and Avoidance. I believe a life time of harbouring toxic emotional unresolved pain such as guilt, anger and shame, hopeless critical beliefs about himself and extreme stress are what caused his death, due to energy/chemical imbalances in the brain and body - The science of Neurobiology (Epigenetic), The Placebo Effect and Psychoneuroimmunology demonstrate strong evidence to support my perspective and understanding, but I believe he was disconnected from his own spirit and couldn't find his way back to himself. (Antonio gave me full permission before he died to use his story if it helps others)